Name: Shelly Salone
Voicebank Type: English CVCC
Voicer: SockHunter
Pitches: D3, C4, C5
Range: D2-A5
Recommended resampler: moresampler
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Please read the notes about voicebank usage :)
Shelly lives in and travels through reflections in glass and puddles. She uses her dress to camouflage herself against the sky and her dress can change according to her mood or the weather. She's generally lively and impulsive, but very shy and will try to hide if someone notices her. She enjoys traveling and blueberry cheesecake.
As opposed to her VCCV voicebank, her CVCC voicebank has a bit of a deeper, stronger tone.
Notes about voicebank usage:
CVCC English is my own English reclist that is mainly CV with C C transitions and C_ endings to form words. You can find out more about the reclist by visiting the reclists webpage. There are also notes about usage in the README files in her voicebank files.
Future Plans:
At this point I'm planning to do a breathy append, but other than that nothing too concrete.